The latest order time for same-day delivery is 5:30 pm (subject to the time of the recipient's area). If the order is received after 5:30pm, we will try our best to handle it for the customer. If this order cannot be accepted, we will contact the customer as soon as possible. (Approximately within 60 minutes after ordering during office hours)
During holidays such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas, Easter, etc., the same-day delivery schedule may be delayed. Please pay attention and forgive me.
We will only arrange delivery services from 09:00 to 19:00. If you need to arrange delivery service outside the delivery time, please contact us.
If the goods are not delivered to the delivery address on time and accurately due to the wrong information given by the customer, our company will not arrange any refund or cancel the order. If there is any change to the delivery address, customers must contact us before the scheduled delivery time.
If the No. 8 typhoon signal or black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted, the delivery service will be suspended.